ALTER Proc [dbo].[GL_P_JZA](@iPer tinyint = 11, @ccash tinyint =1, @tcond varchar(5000)= '') AS SET NOCOUNT On declare @ss varchar(8000) declare @Checkflag varchar(20) declare @trnd bigint set @trnd=(select convert(bigint,rand()*100000000000)) declare @temptable varchar(50) declare @temptable2 varchar(50) set @temptable='GL_jztmp'+ convert(varchar(30),@trnd) set @temptable2='gl_bookB'+ convert(varchar(30),@trnd) set @Checkflag = (SELECT cvalue FROM AccInformation WHERE cSysID='GL' AND cName='bNotCheckJz') Delete From GL_mpostcond1 if @ccash=0 begin if @Checkflag = 'False' set @ss='SELECT iperiod,isignseq,ino_id From gl_accvouch where ibook=0 and iperiod= '+convert(char,@iPer,0) +(case when @tcond='' then '' else ' and (' + @tcond + ')' end)+' and (not (ccheck is null) and iflag is null or ccheck is null and iflag=1) GROUP BY iperiod,isignseq,ino_id' else set @ss='SELECT iperiod,isignseq,ino_id From gl_accvouch where ibook=0 and iperiod= '+convert(char,@iPer,0) +(case when @tcond='' then '' else ' and (' + @tcond + ')' end)+' and (iflag is null or ccheck is null and iflag=1) GROUP BY iperiod,isignseq,ino_id' Insert GL_mpostcond1 exec (@ss) End Else begin if not object_id('tempdb..'+@temptable) is null exec('drop table tempdb..'+ @temptable) if @Checkflag = 'False' set @ss='SELECT isignseq,ino_id,1 as zt into tempdb..'+@temptable+' FROM gl_accvouch inner join code ON gl_accvouch.ccode = code.ccode where ibook=0 and iperiod= '+convert(char,@iPer,0)+(case when @tcond='' then '' else ' and (' + @tcond + ')' end) +' and ((code.bbank ^ code.bcash) =1) and ((not (ccheck is null)) and (ccashier is null)) GROUP BY isignseq,ino_id Union SELECT isignseq,ino_id,0 as zt From gl_accvouch where ibook=0 and iperiod= '+convert(char,@iPer,0) +(case when @tcond='' then '' else ' and (' + @tcond + ')' end)+' and (not (ccheck is null) and iflag is null or ccheck is null and iflag=1) GROUP BY isignseq,ino_id' else set @ss='SELECT isignseq,ino_id,1 as zt into tempdb..'+@temptable+' FROM gl_accvouch inner join code ON gl_accvouch.ccode = code.ccode where ibook=0 and iperiod= '+convert(char,@iPer,0)+(case when @tcond='' then '' else ' and (' + @tcond + ')' end) +' and ((code.bbank ^ code.bcash) =1) and (ccashier is null) GROUP BY isignseq,ino_id Union SELECT isignseq,ino_id,0 as zt From gl_accvouch where ibook=0 and iperiod= '+convert(char,@iPer,0) +(case when @tcond='' then '' else ' and (' + @tcond + ')' end)+' and (iflag is null or ccheck is null and iflag=1) GROUP BY isignseq,ino_id' exec (@ss) exec('SELECT isignseq,ino_id,sum(zt) as zt1 into tempdb..' + @temptable2 + ' from tempdb..'+@temptable+' group by isignseq,ino_id') set @ss='select '+convert(char,@iPer,0)+' as iperiod,isignseq,ino_id from tempdb..' + @temptable2 + ' Where zt1 = 0 '+(case when @tcond='' then '' else ' and (' + @tcond + ')' end) insert GL_mpostcond1 exec (@ss) if not object_id('tempdb..'+@temptable2) is null exec('drop table tempdb..'+ @temptable2) End